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What is nationally accredited training and how does online training work?

Online training allows you to complete training at your own pace and at a time which suits you. It is simple to use. Courses are made up of Units of Competency.

The Units of Competency in your course are broken into various sections of learning to allow you to focus on one area of learning at a time and to provide flexibility in completion of the course.

Each section has information which you must read. The course content, or information in each section is the important detail you need to understand. At the end of each section there are a series of questions which you must answer by either selecting multiple choice answers or by typing in a written answer.

A National Training Package is a consistent and reliable set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people's skills.

A Training Package describes what skills and knowledge a person needs to perform effectively in the workplace without prescribing how they should be trained.

Is my RSA certificate or statement of attainment valid in my state?


The approved online accredited RSA unit - SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of alcohol covers;

  • South Australia
  • Western Australia
  • Northern Territory
  • Queensland
  • Tasmania
  • NSW
  • A.C.T 

Please be sure to choose the RSA unit applicable to the state in which you intend to work. Some states have different requirements and these are addressed in each specific State or Territory unit.

*Victoria only recognises RSA qualifications undertaken in a classroom. 


How long does it take to receive my certificate?


We guarantee certificates will be issued on the same day as successful completion providing the following criteria has been met;

  • Course has been successfully completed prior to 6pm (EST)
  • All required documents such as proof of ID has been received by AAAT
  • An Assessor has marked all aspects of the course and deemed all your submissions as 'competent'..

We  recommend you save the certificate to your computer to download future multiple copies.

If you require your certificate urgently, please email us at info@aaat.edu.au and we will endeavour to issue as quickly as possible.

I have lost my certificate, what should I do?

If you forgot to save to your computer and have lost your certificate, don't worry!!

You can either log into your account and download your certificate from there or contact your HRBC and request a copy.

Are these courses nationally recognised?


All of the courses AAAT offers are Nationally accredited and recognised. Legislation varies slightly from state to sate. Please check with the 'State Requirements' for your selected unit to see if there are any additional special requirements

Do I have to complete my course in one sitting?

No, you can take your time and complete the course at your own pace. You can start, stop and resume your course at time intervals that are suitable to you. The system will remember your progress. Each time you log into the website with your unique username and password you will be able to resume your course where you last left it.

We understand that most people lead busy lives and have other important commitments. Our online training method allows you to study in and around other important commitments.

Can I use the same Login details to access other courses?

Yes, but you will only have access to the courses  HRBC have assigned you to. Contact HRBC for further training requirements

Are there additional costs involved?

No, payment is made up front with no additional charges. The prices quoted on our home page are all inclusive with no hidden fees.

I would like to make a complaint.

AAAT is a reputable training organisation, if you have a complaint, we would like to hear from you. We will endeavour to resolve any issues that may arise in a timely fashion, ensuring communication is of a highest priority. We provide a complaints policy within our Student Handbook.

What if I have problems with reading and writing?

Access All Areas Training provides support for participants who require assistance with Language Literacy Numeracy.

You are still able to complete the course online, but we will talk through how we can assist and support you in the successful completion of your chosen course.

Do I need any particular computer skills?

If you are viewing this page then you are off to a good start. All our courses are done online so there is a requirement for your computer to be connected to the internet.

Our website has been designed to work in all current internet browsers so it will look the same no matter what Internet browser you are using or what type of computer (PC, Mac and Linux) you are using. Even smart phones such as iPhones, Blackberries and Android phones can access and use our website. You only need basic computer skills to use our website and learning is made easy and natural - much the same way as you would learn from reading a book or watching a movie.

You will need literacy and numeracy skills and a good understanding of the English language. All our courses are conducted in English and being able to read and write in English is a requirement.

Can I print the course?

Yes, you can print each page or the entire manual, however you will need to complete assessment questions online. Or please email us and we are happy to provide you with a PDF Student Workbook. The Student Workbook can also be found under 'Course Resources' once you are logged into your training account.

Can I fail a course?

You don't "fail" a course in competency based training, you are found to be "Not Yet Competent".

If you are having problems understanding aspects of the course or have Language Literacy and Numeracy or other barriers which are making completing the course difficult, then you should Contact Us.

How long does my certificate last?

Your Statement of Attainiment does not expire, however, some states do insist on refresher courses be completed within a set time frame from issue date of your SOA.

Please refer to each course in each state for legislation regarding refresher training.

Some states do not require further training whilst others do. You will find information in relation to this question at the beginning of each course.

Got a question we have not been able to answer here? Please feel free to Contact Us or call us on 1300 287 554

How long will my registration last once I enrol online?

Your registration and student account never deactivates, so you can login in 12 months time if you like!

Whilst we encourage you to undertake the training in one sitting we also understand that is not always possible, therefore the training is designed to be self-paced allowing you to login and log out as much as you like, the system will always remember where you left off, there are no deadlines to meet. 

What resources do I need to complete my online training?

You will need the following:

  1. Desktop computer or notepad
  2. Modern operating system
  3. Broadband connection and an up to date internet browser
  4. An email account and program
  5. Access to a printer 

Do I need to apply to be an Approved Manager?


The conduct of business at the licensed premises must be personally managed and supervised by an individual at all times Approved Manager Penalty: $10,000
Please see attached flyer click here

Can I log in and out at any time

Yes you can. The worked is saved. We also recommend you don't leave your page open for long periods without any activity. If you do, just refresh your page when you begin again. This will ensure you are still logged in

How do I submit my assessment my Multi Choice answers?

Multi Choice Quick Quiz: Read the Question and choose the correct answer/s. You must get every question right in order to move to the next section.  If you get a question wrong three times you do have to go back to the start of the learning module.

How do I submit my assessment my Videos and photos

Videos and photos: These need to be uploaded at the appropriate location. You course does give you instruction and a section where these are uploaded. Select or choose your file and upload. When it is finished uploading proceed to the next section.

How do I submit my assessment my Practical Question answers

Practical questions: Type in your response and then move to the next question at the end press submit. If the page is not submitting, just make sure you have completed all the questions, or you haven’t exceeded the character count. You do not have to use all the characters allowed. Can I let you know; it is not acceptable to use AI or cut and paste responses in. Please answer the questions in your words.

Can you confirm my assessment has been received?

Take time to look at your Learner Portal. Within the 'Course Summary', do all the boxes say - 'Now being reviewed by the course administrator'. If so, we have it. If not, can we ask you to look at what the tab is saying and do what it says.

How long until I get my Certificate?

"We do ask for two full business days to assess your work. If everything is correct then we can finalise the work. An email will be sent you with your certificate attached. If you are doing a NSW or Vic RSA, or a NSW FSS then please make sure you download and save all the attachments attached to the email.
If you have some questions wrong with your PA then an assessor will give you some feedback on the questions you got wrong. Have a look at this feedback and correct your answers.

Why is my assessment being sent back?

We have sent the work back to you because we have found something missing or we have assessed your work and have given some feedback so you can make the required changes to your assessment. Simply log back into your account to see what needs fixing.

I didn't receive my VIC certificate

If you review the email sent to you, there are 2 attachments. The attachment titled with numbers is your Statement of Attainment. The second attachment with your name on it, is the VIC specific Certificate. Your employer needs this for you to legally work in Victoria. If this is not attached then please contact AAAT immediately.

Do I have to be over 18 to do my RSA

No, You can do your course whilst at high school. Just going handling liquor when doping any assessments. Use water instead as a simulation.

I want to become an Approved Manager in WA

Before you start the Approved managers course you will need to have completed an nationally recognised RSA course and be able to give us a copy of your Statement of Attainment. It does have to be an RSA done in WA. If you don’t have one then you can do one with us

I am in Australia on an International visa, can I do an RSA

Absolutely. The governement changed the rules and people here on a student visa can now do their RSA

I am in Australia on an International visa, can I do my Approved Managers Course

I am sorry, but no you can't. The regulations around this course require you to be a resident of Australia

Can I get my certificate today

Once you have submitted everything, we do ask for two (2) full business days to assess your work. Please take notice of any emails you receive from us, as this may be feedback from an assessor who has asked you to make some correction to your work. If everything is okay, then we will issue your Statement of Attainment (SOA). Please down load your SOA and keep it safe.

I have just submitted my work, can I have it marked quickly

We will try our hardest, however we do ask for two (2) full business days to assess your work. Others have also submitted their finished work and are waiting for us to assess it. Thanks for your understanding

I am stuck on a question what can I do

We recommend consulting your learner guide initially, as it often contains the answers you seek. Additionally, you'll find a collection of useful documents in the resources list located on the left-hand side of your page. Taking a look at these resources is a great starting point. However, please note that we're unable to directly provide you with answers. We encourage you to give it a try yourself first.

Where do I hand in my USI?

On your Learner Portal there is a section - Manage Your USI. Can you click on this and enter your USI.

I can't upload my video

"To begin troubleshooting, it's crucial to ensure a stable internet connection. Sometimes, a weak connection can hinder the uploading process. Once you've confirmed your internet connection is strong, the next step is to verify the file format and size of your video. Different platforms often have specific requirements regarding these aspects. If your video's format or size doesn't meet these requirements, you might need to convert or compress the file prior to uploading.

If you've already attempted these steps and still find yourself unable to successfully upload your video, I recommend seeking assistance from the technical support team at AAAT. They possess the expertise to offer you further guidance and support in resolving this issue. For direct assistance, you can reach out to them by sending an email to info@aaat.edu.au. Their knowledgeable team should be well-equipped to assist you in overcoming these challenges and ensuring your video gets uploaded as intended."

What is a USI

The USI (Unique Student Identifier) is a number unique to you that list all your vocational training. USI is a federal run agency. You need a USI to complete our training. You can create one at www.usi.gov.au

I have forgotten my USI

"If you forget or lose your USI you can retrieve it online via www.usi.gov.com
We do not have access to your USI account. Do not apply for a new USI"

How do I create a USI

You will need to go to www.usi.gov.au

I can't enter my USI

On you Learner Portal there is a section - Manage Your USI. Can you click on this and enter your USI.

I can't log in and I am not receiving emails

There could be a couple of issues here. Has your course been deactivated? Check which email you are using to log in as it might be different to one your registered with. Can you check your junk folder to see if they are going there. If the issue continues please contact info@aaat.edu.au

Update my address

You can do this yourself by logging in to your portal

My DOB is wrong

Thats okay. We can change it to match the authorised ID you have given us.

I want my certificate in a different name

We can only issue a statement of attainment in the same name as is recorded with the USI registry. If you have officially changed your name, then we can help you. We still have to issue in the name registered with USI, so your first action is to change your name with the USI Registry - www.usi.gov.au - send then a message and they will guide you through the process. Once you successfully changed your name, we will need a transcript stating your name changes and a photo ID with your new name. Once this is done get back in touch with us.  Good luck.

I have changed my name. How can I get my certificate changed

We can change the name of your certificate; however, we can only issue a statement of Attainment in the name given to USI. So, the first thing you will have to do is change your name with them. Once this has been completed, we will need to have a copy of a photo ID with your new name along with the letter or transcript from the USI registry stating the name change. It sounds ominous, but please be assured USI do this all the time and I have always found them helpful. Please go to www.usi.gov.au to begin the process.

The system isn't working properly

Sorry to hear that. What operating system are you using as our platform does work better with Chrome. It may also be a connectivity issue with your carrier or your network. If you are working using mobile data, are you able to switch to Wi-Fi to see if that helps. Can you log out and then back in? You may have to give it a moment and then try again. If the problem persists, please contact info@aaat.edu.au

Can you provide me with the answers I need?

"While we're here to support you, we are unable to supply direct answers. We kindly ask you to refer to your learner guide and explore the documents available in the resources list on the left-hand side of your page. These materials often hold valuable information that can help address your questions or challenges. Take the opportunity to give it your best attempt before seeking further assistance.

Remember, you're learning resources are designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to overcome challenges and succeed."

When I submit a quiz it malfunctions and takes me out of the website

As a security measure, the system will log you out if the webpage has been in idle for a 30minute period of time.

I'm not a student so I don't need a USI

"Anyone completing Nationally Accredited Training is required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
An Registered Training Organisation is not permitted to issue a certificate without this being presented - similar to not being paid without a tax file number.
If you need assistance in creating a USI, you can contact the USI Registry Office directly on 1300 857 536."
